Thursday, November 29, 2007

Christmas Couture

It used to be that only we humans had to choose just the right outfit for that special Christmas party or event, now we have to worry about dressing our pets as well. My own miniature dachshunds have sweaters that my daughter forces them to wear at Christmas time when we have guests although they invariably wiggle out of them before the night is over. I confess that if they were more comfortable in the outfits and didn't try to chew them off I would probably have them dressed all the time. It's like the ultimate doll, a living toy that you can dress to fit your mood or season.

Look at this guy with his Grinch dog outfit - Love the hooves. He doesn't look that happy though.

My dogs would have this shredded into a million pieces in seconds but I love it.

This one looks a bit more sturdy but it's sized for a larger dog.

Another reindeer outfit - this is the coolest dog! She looks so bored.

This one has a sense of humor.

Foofy outfits for foofy dogs.

Since my dogs won't wear outfits maybe I should have them dyed!!!

Looks like someone's been a naughty dog.

This cracks me up. How do they get three dogs to sit still for this picture. Must have been trained by the Dog Whisperer.

Too cute,

Every dog needs their Christmas pj's.

This cracks me up. Does your dog really need a passenger?

Santa's helper

These two have arms - kind of creepy but very funny.

Last but not least let's not forget our feline friends.

Dog outfit links:

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