Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Getting it Together for the New Year

2008 is just a couple of days away - Are you ready???? I know I'm not, but I'm trying to get a head start by weeding out some of the clutter and getting my essentials in order.
Here are a few things I found that might help you get the year off to a good start.

First of all, you need to take stock of your general mental health and well being. This diagnosis wheel from Knock Knock should do the trick.

Next, make sure to thank everyone for everything they've done for you over the past year and for all of those great gifts you received over the holidays. These little personalized notes should do the trick!

Now it's time to get serious and get your schedule in order. You're sure to stay on track using this saucy little number from Kate Spade, a pink-gold day planner.

And of course, no self respecting fashionista using a pink-gold day planner should be caught without a matching pencil bag!!

For those more casual moments on the run you can grab this little gem - compact and self contained, it's a calender at a glance.

Prioritize your calender with these perky place holders

Making lots of lists for the New Year? This pad lets you make them and keep track of them all in the same place!

I'm ordering some of these great painted wood desk organizers from The Home Storage Warehouse for my office so I can start fresh in 08. I figure if I have a lot of really organized looking receptacles, bins, and paper holders in my office, it will automatically look and feel more organized. (I like to live in denial or as I refer to it - living in my bubble!)

Hope you're all successful in getting it together and enjoy a hassle free, highly organized, 2008.

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