Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Troubling Trend? Taxidermy

I think most of you know that I adore peacocks. I even included them in my pillow collection as I adore the coloring and the regal beauty of the birds. I was troubled to see that many vendors at the winter shows where highlighting taxidermy as their dominant accessories.
Dead, stuffed animals were everywhere: under glass domes, on decorative pedestals, framed as art, and posed on all fours.

Peacocks were the leader in this disturbing trend. But birds of all sizes and varieties were available in abundance. The collection of dead, stuffed aviary specimens at Guadarte was beautiful but creepy.

This trend was not limited to fowl, large mammals were also in vogue with lions, tigers, giraffes, and even elephants available for sale.

It was sad to see these proud, beautiful creatures reduced to elements in a visual display selling fabrics.

The most disturbing was a display by a famous window designer for Hermes that portrayed a luxury campsite filled with Hermes products that was stuffed full of exotic animals including an elephant. I just don't get it!

All of this is in answer to the resurgence of the Cabinet of Curiosities a trend that began in the Victorian area. Personally I think it should have stayed there.

While many of the items in this new decorative category are not as disturbing as stuffed tigers or cheetahs they were all once living creatures who were killed for our need to decorate our living spaces. This is a trend that I just cannot get behind and I find it odd that it is becoming so mainstream. In a world were you feel uncomfortable wearing fur or exotic leather I wonder why there is not an outcry against the killing of these animals for decoration.

What do you think?

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